9 Reasons to Use Coconut Oil

9 reasons to use coconut oilCoconut oil is extracted from the kernel or meat of mature coconuts harvested from the coconut palm. Coconut oil has many benefits to body health. The following are features of Coconut oil.

1- Coconut Oil Contains the Healthiest Substance on Earth

It’s no secret breast feeding is about the best thing a mother can do to boost her child’s immune system. What makes mother’s milk so healthy is that it contains high amounts of lauric acid.

Outside of mother’s milk there are only three dietary sources of lauric acid – and coconut oil is the most concentrated of the three!

2- Coconut Oil Fuels Your Metabolism!

Researchers have discovered that in cultures where unrefined coconut oil is a part of the everyday diet, there is less obesity and less lifestyle-related disease.

Unfortunately, very little coconut oil is consumed in the U.S. and metabolic syndrome—along with its symptoms of obesity, diabetes and heart disease—is reaching epidemic proportions!

3- Coconut Oil Fuels Your Metabolism!

Researchers have discovered that in cultures where unrefined coconut oil is a part of the everyday diet, there is less obesity and less lifestyle-related disease.

Unfortunately, very little coconut oil is consumed in the U.S. and metabolic syndrome—along with its symptoms of obesity, diabetes and heart disease—is reaching epidemic proportions!

4- Coconut Oil Boosts Your Thyroid!

Over 13 million Americans suffer from low thyroid function with little understanding of the cause. It’s really no wonder because most processed foods contain iodine blockers—and iodine is essential for optimum thyroid function! If you’re cooking with vegetable oil—it’s time to stop for your thyroid’s sake!

Plus, without a healthy thyroid, weight loss is nearly impossible—especially for women.

5- Coconut Oil Protects and Beautifies Your Skin!

People living in the tropics have beautiful, wrinkle-free skin because coconut oil is not only part of their diet—but also their beauty regimen!

Coconut oil is a naturally moisturizing cleanser—and an effective sunscreen, blocking out 20 percent of harmful rays… thanks to the medium-chain fatty acids that protect and heal the skin at the same time.

6- Coconut Oil Can Save Your Brain!

Alzheimer’s is on the rise—but you can do something now to protect your brain from the devastating effects of this savage disease!

How? By helping your body produce ketones—an alternative energy source for your brain! When MCTs—medium chain triglicerides—are metabolized by the body, ketones are created.

7- Coconut Oil Fights Cancer!

Cancer cells feed and grow in our body until the illness can eventually take over and ruin our health. And that’s only if it doesn’t kill us.

Don’t be terrified by cancer anymore! Because researchers have discovered it’s possible to actually “starve” cancer cells—and this pro-active defense leaves the body more able to fight the disease than being assaulted with chemotherapy!

8- Coconut Oil is the Ultimate Detox!

Detoxing is quite popular these days—but beware! Many detox methods found on the internet are not grounded in science but are instead “fad” diets meant to make someone else a lot of money!

Coconut oil has amazing detox abilities and bolsters your energy during a detox program!

9- Coconut Oil is Amazing for Heart Health!

Heart disease is a scary disease often treated with even scarier drugs—like statins! Statins (cholesterol lowering drugs) deplete the body of vital heart-nourishing nutrients and can do more harm than good!

Coconut oil is full of heart-healing benefits and can help prevent the need for such drugs—and even help keep you from getting sick in the first place!

Learn More  About the Coconut Oil Secret and Find Out Why This  it is Nature’s #1 Best Healing Super Food.